
From manual handling to a fully integrated, digitalised workflow that frees up resources for authorities so that they can focus on their operational goals.

Using Softronic’s Scanning services frees up a lot of our resources, so we can focus on our core business and also be more cost-effective.

Harald Petersson, Unemployment Insurance Fund Manager Unionen’s Unemployment Insurance Fund


It is an important democratic right for members of the public to be able to communicate with the authorities. But not everyone uses e-services and it takes time to change people’s behaviour. Softronic’s scanning services digitise the manual workflow and maintain the same high quality as the modern e-services.

Digitising manual workflows

Modern outsourcing is both good for the environment and the economy. These scanning services also help to reduce climate impact. The operations are run from Arjeplog, creating many entry-level jobs on an otherwise challenging local labour market. This means that our customers can rest assured that motivated and skilled employees are taking extra care to ensure that we maintain a high and even quality.

Channel optimisation of different sources

An ever increasing part of today’s market comprises advanced data capture from various sources. Many of our customers need to be able to be able to optimise their customer processes continually across multiple channels. This includes everything from emails, scanned certificates and forms, to pure data conversion. We have extensive experience of this area, making us a leader.


Emil Bengtsson
Telefon: 070-881 30 92