
Perform a usability evaluation – and take your website and your systems to the next level!

Do you have your information in the right place? Is your website or system user-friendly and does it observe recognised standards?  Performing a usability evaluation can help you understand what you need to do to take your website or your operational system to the next level.

Two to three usability experts (independent of each other) perform a ‘heuristic’ expert evaluation of your website or operational system in order to identify any usability problems. The evaluation uses established rules of thumb and principles.

The features that we look at include:

  • Navigation
  • Information structure
  • Interaction
  • Uniformity
  • Responsiveness


We provide a summary of the evaluation in a report, ranking any problems in order of how serious they are. This is a cost-effective evaluation and gives you a good understanding of your biggest usability problems.

Contact us!

If you are interested in a usability evaluation of your website or operational system, contact us! Fill in the form below or contact David direct!

David Jonsson
Senior UX Designer/Usability Expert
Tel. no: +46(0)70-934 33 74