Softronic invests in Swedish language training

News | Publish date: 20 Aug 2021

Softronic invests in Swedish language training for employees who need some extra support in Swedish. Softronic has partnered with Lingio, which offers a unique combination of artificial intelligence, gamification and pedagogy to create the perfect conditions for people to learn a language in a fun and effective way.

This training started in February 2020 and 10 employees at Softronic are currently doing the course.

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Why is Softronic investing in this?

“It is important both for the employees themselves and for us a company to develop our employees’ knowledge of the Swedish language. Many of our customers use Swedish as their Group language. So this makes life easier for the customer and the consultants themselves,” says Tomas Anderberg, Managing Consultant at Softronic.

One of the employees who is taking the course is Boris Basta, a senior developer/architect. He is a member of Softronic’s ERP team, where he works with Dynamics Nav and Business Central for a customer in the telecoms industry. Boris has been working for Softronic since 2018.

Has it been difficult finding the time to do both the course and your work?

“It’s been absolutely fine. You do the course remotely, so you can log in and do the exercises whenever it suits you. The tasks take about 10-15 minutes, so they are relatively short and fast. It’s such an enjoyable course, and the interface is simple and user-friendly. You have a number of different levels that you have to complete for each theme and it gets progressively more difficult. Some items are repeated, which I think is great. There are also some parts where all you have to do is listen to a task. So you learn both by listening and reading.”

What do you find particularly rewarding about the course?

“For me, it’s been great fun. There are always deadlines that keep the pressure on you to progress and complete the tasks, which is good as it gives you some added external motivation.”

Would you recommend this course to others?

“Absolutely! It’s a wonderful complement to other training and courses.”

The course is scheduled to finish in February 2021 and the students will receive a certificate.

“It’s great to give employees more opportunity to learn the Swedish language in a more enjoyable way, if they need it. It enhances our employees’ own skills and self-esteem, and adds something positive to their lives. The hope is it will give them the courage to start communicating more,” says Tomas.

Read more about Lingio here!

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