Carry out your work securely – from wherever you want

Blog | Publish date: 24 Sep 2021

A typical morning You are sitting in your new workplace and everything is working smoothly without any unnecessary hassle. Your colleagues are more flexible and accessible than ever before, and all the new technical tools and the cloud are working incredibly well. Suddenly you are in control of your own time, and this gives you more time for other things. If your computer breaks down, a new one will be posted to you within a few days. Your new workplace is your kitchen, or maybe your living room?

Softronic is the IT company that works every day to develop the flexible workplace of the future, where work can be carried out from wherever you want.

“All you need to be accessible and present is a computer. This gives you access to Teams meetings, cloud storage, the service desk and other essentials,” says Henrik Lillhage, Managing Consultant for the Microsoft 365 team at Softronic.

Subscription services

Softronic wants to use its many services to create predictability and certainty for its customers. For a fixed monthly fee, you can subscribe to a mobile workplace that is fully customised to the individual and the organisation.

“We use Microsoft’s latest cloud services to streamline and optimise our customers’ IT environment. The manufacturer sends the computers direct to the employees and when they log in with their email address, all the necessary software and configurations are retrieved directly from the cloud,” says Henrik.

But the service does not end there. Softronic monitors and optimises this platform for its users and also manages the security of these services. The package includes advice and access to Softronic’s Microsoft experts as well.

And customer satisfaction is high. For several years in a row, Softronic has won Radar’s major supplier quality review because of its operational, tactical and strategic work with the development of companies and organisations.

A sustainable future

Softronic’s ambition is to be a leader when it comes to providing innovative digital services that help companies and organisations create real social benefits. Working with their customers, they want to be a driving force in the digitalisation of society, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future.

“We’re scaling back on the distribution stage, which is important from an environmental perspective, while also offering services that enable digital social interaction. This work is sustainable in many different ways. This is what we call GoodTech – Technology that does good in society,” concludes Henrik.

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